Friday, 2 August 2013

Well hello!

Yes, I have finally become THAT guy and decided that every tiny thought that drops from my warped and frankly rather diseased mind is pure gold and deserves to be read by anybody lazy or stupid enough not to direct their cursor away from this page...Anyway...first off I think it's only right that I furnish you poor unfortunates with a little background on the kind of idiot you are dealing with.

I am a 38 year old Homo sapien  (not sure why 'homo' seems OK but 'sapien' has a wavy red line underneath it) who stands 5' 6" and 3/4 (that last part is important) in his stocking feet but a whopping 5' 7" in shoes.  I am a some-time supervisor but full-time dogsbody/corporate shill for 'Big Red'.  If you're not sure who they are, I applaud you...if you do know who they are, I pity you (think how I feel, I actually work for them)!!!

I am a Libertarian but like most people who describe themselves as such, I have almost no idea what that actually means or how to pursue such beliefs in the world as a whole, I have a penchant for using brackets (as you've probably guessed by now) and I'm also quite fond of an ellipsis or two...;-))

Lastly and by all means leastly I am a keen football fan and a Liverpool fan by dint of birth. As such I both love and intensely hate Luis Suarez (now more than ever!) and am unable to parley  the colour blue into any kind of use in the football spectrum.

That's it as far as intro's go, from now on in it's all gravy (as they say in the Bisto factory).  This will be an irregularly updated blog of disproportionate quality and almost entirely random interest.  Not everything will be related to the work of getting rotted tree bark and Dinosaur extract from the sea bed and occasionally it will veer into weird and dangerously unsatisfying territory but Hey! who cares, it's only on the internet after all!!!

Hope to see you soon
Neil Hannon rocks!

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